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The Natives peoples: The Passamaquoddy Tribe


Wallace Nicholas
Traditional Hunter – Fisherman

Wallace with canoe and rifle at Pleasant Point, Maine sometime in the late 1930s.

Our Natives People have a rich heritage of stories and myths. Below is some examples. Click on each character's name for more detailed information about his or her role in Passamaquoddy mythology (You will be taken from this website).

Glooskap: Glooskap is the benevolent culture hero of Passamaquoddy folklore, who taught the people the arts of civilization and protected them from danger. Like other Passamaquoddy names, "Glooskap" has many spelling variants (Gluskabe, Kluskap, etc.) The correct Passamaquoddy pronounciation is klue-skopp.

Kihci Niweskw: This means "Great Spirit" in the Passamaquoddy language, and is the Passamaquoddy name for the Creator (God). Kci Niwesq is a divine spirit with no human form or attributes (including gender) and is never personified in Passamaquoddy folklore. Pronounced kih-chee nih-wehsk-w.

Malsum:This name, which simply means "wolf," is sometimes said to belong to an evil wolf who is Glooskap's twin brother. However, this is probably not an original Passamaquoddy myth -- the character does not appear in older Passamaquoddy texts, and the wolf is not a malevolent figure in Passamaquoddy folktales. Early folklorists may have confused Passamaquoddy stories with those from Iroquois and Anishinabe tribes. In any case, "Malsom" is pronounced mawl-sum in Maliseet.

Grandmother Woodchuck: (Nuhkomoss Munimqehs): Glooskap's wise old grandmother, who raised him. Pronounced noo-kuh-muss moo-nim-kwass in Passamaquoddy.

Kwimu (Loon): Glooskap's faithful companion, messenger, and tale-bringer. Pronounced kwee-moo.

Bootup (Whale): Another animal spirit that serves Glooskap, by carrying him across the ocean. Pronounced boo-dup.

Laks (or Lox): Wolverine, a malevolent Passamaquoddy animal spirit, sometimes called the "Indian Devil." Sounds like "locks."

Mahtoqeh (Rabbit): A light-hearted Maliseet trickster figure who is constantly playing tricks and deceiving other animals. Pronounced mah-tuh-gwass.

Mihku Squirrel, a Passamaquoddy troublemaker character. Pronounced mee-koo.

Moowin Bear, one of the most prominent animal spirits of Passamaquoddy folklore. He is powerful and honorable but gullible. Pronounced moo-win.

Lucifee Wildcat, an aggressive and dangerous animal in Passamaquoddy folklore. Sometimes he is conflated with Laks (see above.)

Chenoo or Kewahqu Giant man-eating monsters, similar to the Windigo of the Cree and other northern tribes. Chenoos were once human beings who either committed terrible crimes or became possessed by an evil spirit, causing their hearts to turn to ice. The name "Chenoo" comes from the neighboring Micmac tribe and is pronounced cheh-noo. "Kewahqu" is the Passamaquoddy name of this creature, which is pronounced keh-wah-kwoo.

Little People There are several different groups of little people in Maliseet and Passamaquoddy folklore: Mihkomuwehs is a forest gnome, Wonakomehs is a sort of river dwarf who lives among the rocky riverbanks, Lampeqin is a water sprite or mermaid, and Nagumwas is an ugly fairy that lives near Passamaquoddy settlements and brings good luck to humans. All of them can be dangerous if they are disrespected, but are generally benevolent nature spirits. Their names are pronounced mee-kuh-moo-wess, wuh-nah-guh-mess, lahm-beh-gwin, and nah-gum-wah-suck, respectively.

Ne Hwas The name of a Passamaquoddy mermaid in some 19th-century folktales. Probably it was the same creature as lampeqin (above)-- "niwesq" just means "spirit" in Passamaquoddy and can refer to any kind of supernatural creature.

Pukcinsqehs A notorious witch. Her Passamaquoddy name literally means Jug Woman and is pronounced book-cheen-squass. She is also sometimes known as Tree-Stump Woman or Toad Woman.

Pogumk Hero of the Fisher or Black Cat cycle of myths, it was Pogumk who finally defeated the witch Pukcinsquehs. Folklorists sometimes identify Pogumk as an alter ego of Glooskap, but Wabanaki elders have maintained that they are two different heroes. Pronounced poh-gomk.

Skwakowtemus(Swamp Woman): A female ghost that lives in the swamps and makes mournful cries. Anyone who tries to follow the sound of her crying is lost in the swamp. Pronounced skweah-goh-tuh-moose.

Kci-Athussos An underwater horned serpent, said to lurk in lakes and eat humans. Its name means Great Serpent and is pronounced kih-chee ott-hoo-suss.

Apotamkon A giant fanged sea serpent that drags people, especially incautious children, into the water and eats them. Pronounced similar to ah-boo-dahm-kun.

Petakiyik The Thunderers, a group of supernatural winged warriors who cause thunder and lightning. Pronounced peh-dah-gee-yick.

Weewillmekq' Another sea monster, said to resemble a giant slug or alligator. Pronounced wee-will-uh-meck.

Culloo A giant bird of prey, said to eat humans and be large enough to carry a child off in its talons. Pronounced kuh-loo.

Cipelahq Bird spirit known as the "Spirit of the Night Air," used in stories to scare children into obeying their parents. It has an unearthly cry and resembles a large diving owl, with only its head and talons visible. Pronounced chee-buh-lockw.

Ghost-Witch A malevolent undead monster created by the death of an evil sorcerer, which returns to life by night to kill and devour humans.

Wocawson A legendary mountaintop bird whose wings cause the wind. Pronounced wuh-chow-sun.

Atuwoskonikehs An invisible forest spirit responsible for the felling of trees. Pronounced ah-too-wuss-kuh-nee-gass.

Aglebemu A giant lake monster that caused drought, who was defeated by Glooskap and turned into a bullfrog. Pronounced ah-gluh-beh-moo.

Passamaquoddy Folklore

Glooskap * Gluskab * Gluskabe:
    Introductions to the Passamaquoddy demigod Glooskap.
*Passamaquoddy Tales:
    Collection of various Passamaquoddy folktales and legends.
*Origin of the Medicine Man:
    Passamaquoddy legend about the first medicine man.
*Glooskap and Mikchich:
    The adventures of Glooskap and his uncle the Turtle.
*Glooscap Fights the Water Monster * A Passamaquoddy Allegory:
    Glooskap protects the Passamaquoddy by turning monsters into animals.
*The Owl Husband:
    Legend of a Passamaquoddy woman who married the great horned owl.
*The Girl and the Chenoo:
    Passamaquoddy legend about the redemption of a chenoo.
*The Flying Canoe:
    Passamaquoddy folktale about three competitive brothers.
*Blue Flower:
    Folktale about a loyal Passamaquoddy girl.
*The Origin of the Thunderbird * On the Trail of the Thunderbird:
    Passamaquoddy and Quileute legends about the Thunderbird.
*Glouscap and the Baby:
    Glooskap finally meets his match in this humorous folktale. ("Wasis" just means "baby" in Maliseet-Passamaquoddy.)
*Cannibal Giants of the Snowy Northern Forest:
    Article about the Chenoo and other ice monsters of the northern Algonquian tribes.
*Of Glooskap's Birth:
    Leland's Nordic embellishments to the Glooscap cycle.

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All pages ?Green's Point Lighthouse Association - L'Etete, New Brunswick, Canada.
: Green's Point Lighthouse, Interpretive Centre/Museum, Rental Cottage

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